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Surviving the 2024 AI Hype Cycle 3 Strategies

Startups that are now jumping into the AI gold rush will most likely fall victim to the hype and eventually crash, believes the lifelong entrepreneur and mentor Michael Burtov. As we head into 2024, what can founders learn from the tech bubbles of the past in order to survive and prosper?  
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SAFE for VCs, not so safe for startups

In recent years, “SAFE” notes have become one of the most common ways for early-stage startups to raise capital in the U.S. Still, most international founders have never heard of them. Lifelong entrepreneur and innovation consultant Michael Burtov explains the challenges these notes present to startups and angel investors.
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The startup scamming pandemic: How not to get screwed as a startup

From fake investors and obscure media to false mentorship and compliance threats — the list of scams that startup founders face in the U.S. is endless. Lifelong entrepreneur Michael Burtov explains how to navigate the dark waters of the scamming pandemic and steer clear of traps.
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Why you shouldn’t expect anyone to sign your NDA

Many immigrant startup founders believe that a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) is a sophisticated method for safeguarding their ideas. Lifelong entrepreneur Michael Burtov explains why this is a detrimental practice that is likely to hurt your startup’s fundraising prospects.

Board of Directors vs Board of Advisors: Startup’s Brain vs Soul

In essence, a board of advisors is more concerned with a company’s strategic interests, while a board of directors focuses on advancing the interests of shareholders. This distinction seems subtle, but for many companies that originate outside the U.S. startup ecosystem, this can be quite a foreign concept. Lifelong entrepreneur Michael Burtov explains the difference between the two.
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The Peacock and the Octopus:How showmanship harms you and your business

While standing out is undeniably crucial in a crowded marketplace, an excessive emphasis on appearance over substance is eroding the foundation of entrepreneurship. The lifelong entrepreneur, mentor, and inventor Michael Burtov explains how “peacocking” might be hurting your venture and the startup ecosystem.