Curly-coily and cool: The UK app Frobelles seeks to empower…
The demand for diversity and inclusion in America is attracting Black-focused international entrepreneurs from around the globe. Frobelles, an app game developed by a mother and daughter to celebrate afro-textured hair, recently launched in the U.S.
Top 5 organizations helping African entrepreneurs scale globally
There’s plenty of innovation in Africa. But why does it rarely make it across international borders? Who is helping African founders to overcome the barriers?
What’s up with the ten immigrant-led unicorns 500 Global invested…
Over the years, the early-stage venture capital firm 500 Global (previously 500 Startups) has invested in early stage entrepreneurs from diverse backgrounds. Some didn’t have ‘the right face’ for other VCs.
This immigrant founder makes virtual objects a reality to educate…
Toly Sherbakov is working with more than 25 U.S. educators to develop content for his app, Magic Kids.…