International Climate Innovators Meet U.S. Capital

Featuring International Non-Profits, U.S. Investors & Global Startups.

We’re bringing you a day packed with educational content and insights from key stakeholders across the public and private sectors, including investors, startup founders, banks, non-profits, and more.

September 25th, 2024
Civic Hall, 124 E 14th St, New York
9AM – 9PM 

Sponsors & Partners

If you’re interested in sponsoring our event, please email us at

The Adaptation Economy & International Innovators

Around the world, there is a growing need for solutions to tackle the impacts of climate change. In response to the climate crisis, startups have emerged across Africa, Asia, and LatAm providing an exciting opportunity for investors. Here are some questions we will be discussing: 

  • What practical solutions are gaining momentum? New crop types, seed treatments, nature-based cooling, and other breakthroughs. 
  • How do international entrepreneurs employ innovation and technology to address local contexts and needs?
  • How can entrepreneurs integrate effective adaptation business models?  
  • How can we support investment at scale? What tools are available to evaluate potential investment opportunities?

​ Keynote Speech

Tools & Hacks: Thriving in the Adaptation Economy

Case Study

Immigrant Innovators: Practical Solutions to Tackle Climate Change

Faster, Further, Fairer – Approaches to Urban Transformation ​

Cities are responsible for about 70% of global emissions and are on track to house 80% of the human population. How can we shape the future of cities to ultimately to secure the survival and thriving of human civilization?

  • New initiatives in North America, LatAm, and Europe: Circular City Coalition, EU Cities Mission (NetZeroCities), the Circular Supply Chain Coalition, City Catalyst.
  • How can we influence the current emissions trends, and expedite the introduction of comprehensive structural changes?
  • How can we more effectively connect diverse solutions and stakeholders, including city governments, industry partners, and local communities?
  • What are new circular economic models and the associated forms of financing for entrepreneurs?
  • How can we integrate equity, decarbonization, and economic development seamlessly to create results?

Faster, Further, Fairer – Approaches to Urban Transformation

Cities are responsible for about 70% of global emissions and are on track to house 80% of the human population. How can we shape the future of cities to ultimately to secure the survival and thriving of human civilization?

  • New initiatives in North America, LatAm, and Europe: Circular City Coalition, EU Cities Mission (NetZeroCities), the Circular Supply Chain Coalition, City Catalyst.
  • How can we influence the current emissions trends, and expedite the introduction of comprehensive structural changes? 
  • How can we more effectively connect diverse solutions and stakeholders, including city governments, industry partners, and local communities?
  • What are new circular economic models and the associated forms of financing for entrepreneurs?
  • How can we integrate equity, decarbonization, and economic development seamlessly to create results?

Bio-Regional Regeneration and integrated landscape management

As the world grapples with food and water insecurity, ecosystem destruction, and land degradation, the need for innovative and unified solutions has never been more pressing. The session is an opportunity for funders and entrepreneurs to learn about initiatives and systemic approaches to land use, regenerative agriculture, and forestry.

  • What are some global & local initiatives? And how do stakeholders across the landscape jointly pursue a regenerative future? 
  • How are small solutions in land use, regenerative agriculture, and forestry scaled to reach a larger mass? 
  • What financial innovations to mobilize funding flows are in the making? 
  • Integrated landscape management (ILM), regenerative agriculture and bioregioning through landscape partnerships 
  • Climate future: catalytic prototypes in landscape-scale transformations, collective learning, methodologies, tools, and delivery strategies.
The Vertical's Sales & Exit event at Civic Hall during NY Tech Week. Credit: Richard Y Goodman


* COP29 @ Dubai * WEF @ Davos, * UN Climate Champions * NYC Climate Week: The final event of this year-long series!

What does overcoming the climate finance gap look like? The Missing Trillions is designed as a laboratory for a structured exploration of systemic risks and opportunities.

  • How can we address the climate finance gap? Get insights on emerging, high-leverage, and overlooked approaches. 
  • Deep dive into 4 promising solutions with expert practitioners to identify new pathways for collaboration and scale.
  • Who’s leading the way in climate funding? Meet and engage with actors across the globe tackling the finance gap.

Over the past year, The Missing Trillions has been exploring overlooked leverage points that could help close the climate finance gap. 


We will be sharing our insights with the public for feedback, partnership, and implementation pathways ahead of this New York Climate Week event.

​ Keynote Speech​

Addressing barriers for international CleanTech innovation in the U.S. Strategies for overcoming challenges and facilitating smoother market entry.

International Innovation & Climate Finance Solutions Showcase ​

Pitch your solutions to a global audience of investors, industry leaders, and climate visionaries. This is your chance to grab the spotlight and network with key players ready to back and scale transformative climate innovations.

Immigrant ClimateTech Pioneers
in the U.S. Investment Landscape

Join key players in generating ideas to shape the future of climate action in the U.S. We are bringing together investors and immigrant unicorns for a heartfelt discussion on “money moves” and emerging technologies. We will look at successful projects, tackle challenges, and examine the impact we can collectively achieve for the future of climate action.

  • What is the current state of ClimateTech investment in the U.S., including major players and sources of funding?
  • Where does the money flow? What are some lessons learned from past funding initiatives and best fundraising practices today?
  • Success stories: How can international ClimateTech companies leverage U.S. capital? 
  • What are some of the issues in the world of climate finance? What should immigrant entrepreneurs know today? 
  • What are future trends in ClimateTech and new investment trends?